
AUDIO-FEST! Shell security spending hits the global airwaves

25 Aug 2012 admin

Here’s a selection of interviews with Platform on Shell’s security spending in Nigeria. Packing these – and these – into a single day was a logistical challenge to say the least. But doing so meant reaching an audience of millions across several continents. Hitting the radio waves was particularly important for us, since the source of the leak actually followed a radio interview we did last year. There’s something about the intimacy of  radio that enables all kinds of unique conversations to happen.

Happy listening.

1. Radio France International:

[Sound quality wasn’t great on that one, nor for the third in this sequence. I was outside a noisy London Bridge tube station. The next one  has better quality, but a significant amount of editing of what I said].


2. BBC Focus on Africa:

[It’s worth noting that Shell refuses to provide interviews in person on topics like this. A strange position to take for a company so keen on ‘dialogue’.]


3. BBC Newsday: 


And if you prefer video, please see our interviews with Al-Jazeera English. For a round up of press coverage see here.

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