
  • العنف المصاحب لتغيّر المناخ في مصر

    العنف المصاحب لتغيّر المناخ في مصر

    ميكا مينيو بالويللو في خضم الحركات الثورية في السنوات الأخيرة، ليس من السهل ألا نلاحظ أن تغير المناخ قد بدأ يغير الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ،حيث نعيش، تغييراً جذرياً. هذا التحول التدريجي، الذي يصعب تجنبه، يهدد بنزوح الملايين من البشر، إن لم يكن عشرات الملايين، و بتغيير شكل المنطقة بشكل قد يصعب التعرف عليها. و…

    29 Apr 2015 admin
  • Algérie : L’approvisionnement de l’Europe en gaz algérien est-il plus important que les droits humains ?

    Algérie : L’approvisionnement de l’Europe en gaz algérien est-il plus important que les droits humains ?

    Cet article ecrit parHamza Hamouchene est apparu initialement sur le journal Algerien, El Watan Avec la réduction dramatique de la production de gaz de la Mer du Nord, promouvoir  l’Algérie en tant qu’exportateur majeur de gaz naturel est devenu une stratégie économique impérative pour l’Europe. Le pays se distingue par sa position particulière dans la politique énergétique…

    3 Sep 2013 admin
  • A New Frontier: the rush for oil and gas in East Africa

    A New Frontier: the rush for oil and gas in East Africa

    This article was written by Taimour Lay who investigated the activities of oil companies in East Africa for Platform. It first appeared on the African Arguments website. When you stand on the island of Rukwanzi at the heart of Lake Albert, your first thought, echoing perhaps the casual rhetoric of the region’s oil men, is…

    29 May 2012 admin
  • Risking ruin: Shell’s investments in Tar Sands, the Arctic and Nigeria

    This article first appeared as an introduction to a report, Risking Ruin: Shell’s dangerous developments in the Tar Sands, Arctic and Nigeria, published on 18 May 2012 by Indigenous Environmental Network and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. As economic austerity bites, major oil companies are making staggering profits. A high oil price in 2011 made Shell $30.92 billion in annual…

    18 May 2012 admin
  • Shell admits funding Niger Delta “warlords”

    Shell admits funding Niger Delta “warlords”

    This guest blog for Greenpeace UK was written by Ben Amunwa and first published on 2 May 2012.  A recent video published online shows a Shell executive admitting that the oil giant could easily be funding what he describes as “warlords” and militants in Nigeria. You can watch the video here, (see 57mins – 1hr). The admission…

    2 May 2012 admin
  • El oscuro historial de Shell en Nigeria

    This article was first published in the Spanish newspaper, Diagonal, NÚMERO 166 on 24 January 2012.  by Ben Amunwa El 20 de diciembre de 2011, una fuga en la plataforma petrolífera de mar abierto de Shell en Bonga, una de las mayores de esta multinacional en Nigeria, derramó 40.000 barriles de petróleo al océano Atlántico.…

    24 Jan 2012 admin
  • British foreign policy and the ‘Arab Spring’: the transition to democracy

    Evidence submitted by Platform to the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee: UK foreign policy on Libya focused excessively on improving relationships with the Gaddafi regime and promoting British business interests, at the expense of human rights and engaging with popular and oppositional opinion.

    12 Dec 2011 anna
  • Canada’s Dirty and Dangerous Oil Sands

    This article by Ben Amunwa first appeared in The Huffington Post on  19 October 2011. has a reputation for using just about anything to promote Canada's tar sands. The local mayor, Aboriginals and environmentalists have all been thrust into's narrative, some against their will. This Monday it was my turn to get 'tarred' as…

    19 Oct 2011 admin
  • Can we stop Shell abusing human rights?

    This article first appeared on the Amnesty International UK, Press Release Me, Set Me Free blog on 17 October 2011.  by Ben Amunwa Can we stop Shell abusing human rights? In the case of Shell in Nigeria this is a question well worth asking. Over the past few months, Shell’s appalling legacy of pollution and human rights abuses…

    17 Oct 2011 admin