Check out this coverage of Shake! and Leeds Young Authors’ event on institutional racism in The Northerner blog. You don’t want to miss this unique collaboration between young people, Leeds University’s MA Activism and Social Change, Leeds Bicentenary Transformation Project, Leeds Black Film Club, chaired by Esther Stanford-Xosei of Pan-Afrikan Reparations Coalition of Europe.
The day comprises mini-lectures, discussion, creative workshops, and film screening of two rare films on anti-racist resistance in Britain There are still places available – email [email protected]
Go to Shake’s blog for the whole context of our project with young people.
See reverse of flyer for schedule:
And if you missed Shake’s incredible workshop session at the Rebellious Media Conference “The Unheard: Youth, the ‘riots’ and the media”, get a flavour of it through the blog here. Hear how Shake’s artist-facilitators Sai Murai and Zena Edwards responded to the event through interviews by Ceasefire; and read feedback from audience…