
Exploring The Oil Road – Two Platform events in Bristol and London

18 May 2012 james

There are two Platform events coming up which explore themes in our forthcoming book The Oil Road by Mika Minio and James Marriott, due out in September.

The first event is a talk in the Bristol Festival of IdeasWhat if we left the oil in the ground? Taking place at Arnolfini on Sunday 20th May 12.30 – 13.30 as part of the Festival of Transition curated by nef, Transition Network and others

Then three days later we’re leading a walk around The City of London – On London’s Oil Road: A journey to the heart of the energy economy – Wednesday 23rd May 18.30 – 20.00. This is also part of the Festival of Transition. If you want to join us you need to register via the Festival site.

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