During a recent stop-over in New York for pretrial publicity, Ben Amunwa of PLATFORM’s remember saro-wiwa project used the time to capture some vivid moments at the courthouse rally and in the surrounding court district, lower Manhattan. To get closer to the action, click below to view a special slideshow by flickr, and see above for the famous view from the Brooklyn Bridge.
The sombre, civic architecture down there feels starkly removed from the topics under scrutiny in court; the crackdowns on poverty-struck Ogoni villages; the polluted creeks of the conflict ridden Niger Delta. The struggle for global justice has come to this island dense with sky-scapers to rewrite the script of rampant, unchecked corporate power.In this sense, New York could hardly be a better place to put Shell on trial.
Please feel free to use these pictures, and credit PLATFORM/remember saro-wiwa. Journalists, please contact us for higher res files and more.