Platform works with and between art, activism, education and research. In our ongoing practice we want to share with others lessons learned. We are continuously developing new and improved ways of working, and have built up various areas of expertise over thirty years of collaboration.
The key areas we offer workshops and training are: Art, Activism and Education; Campaigning and Projects; Finance and Fundraising and Organisational Structures. See below for a list of workshops and trainings on offer, and also feel free to get in touch if you would like to ‘mix n match’ from the menu.
Please note that we take bookings from groups only, and cannot offer individual places on a session – but that groups can be of any size, and individuals are welcome to get together to form a group for the purposes of a workshop. Please fill in this form to arrange a training or tailor a workshop to meet your group or organisation’s needs, and to set a price in line with your resources.
~Art, Activism and Education~
Youth and Youth Worker Training in Activism
Creative and interactive workshops to help incorporate activism in to youth projects and programs. Workshop aims to encourage youth workers and young people to create tasks and activities which engage with political and social issues in a tactful and imaginative way.
Radical Education and Art
An introduction to radical pedagogies with a focus on artistic methods and practices. For trainers and educators alike.
Collaborating Creatively in Groups
Sometimes group work can be blocked by participants different working styles. This workshop introduces techniques to bring different skills together to work in harmony.
Art & Activism
Art and activism is a dialogue of creative practice that seeks to make social change and has a rich history from around the globe. Drawing on key examples from Platform’s own work and the inspiration it has taken from others. For art students, weary activists and campaigners looking for new ideas alike.
~Campaigning and Projects~
Tools for Strategic Campaign Planning
What value can strategic planning bring to effective campaigns or resistance? Tools
to help you plan strategically.
Spokesperson Training
Simple tools on how to communicate your message more effectively when speaking to the media, including developing and practicing the ‘ABC – Acknowledge Bridge Communicate’ technique.
Campaigning in the Equity Sector
For the past 5 years, Platform and partners have been developing a methodology for translating the dangers of frontier oil projects into the language of financial risk for Shell and BP’s institutional investors – those who the companies are ultimately accountable to. This workshop aims to develop an understanding of 1) how the investor sector operates, 2) where engaging asset owners and managers can be a force for change in the context you work on, and where it can’t, and 3) the language and the tools to make this engagement effective.
Unravelling the Carbon Web: Big Oil
The international oil and gas sector can look impenetrable from an activist’s perspective. This workshop breaks down the giants into bite-size points of leverage, using Platform’s fifteen years’ experience to tool up or refresh campaigners old and new.
Tate a Tate Students’ Workshop
The Tate a Tate audio tour is a permanent installation in Tate spaces which complicates BP’s presence as sponsor. Suited to students in Art History, Media & Communications, Theatre, Performance and Sound as well as the Humanities and Politics, this workshop explores different aspects of the artwork, its purpose and impact.
~Finance, Fundraising and Organisational Structures~
Developing a Socially Just Waging Policy
Taking Platform’s policy as one example, this workshop supports organisations considering renumeration and social justice in their own policies.
Non-hierarchy in Organisations and Charities
Platform has operated non-hierarchically using a number of different structures over thirty years. Taking as a starting point the reasons organisations may wish to operate like this, the training focusses on potential methods of organising and ways of over-coming likely obstacles and challenges.
Storytelling for Fundraisers, Networkers and Communicators
Using simple plotting techniques can help us weave stories about our work and organisations that resonate with audiences. This workshops explores how stories are made, from Aristotle to JK Rowling, and how we can apply this knowledge to
“reframe” unhelpful narratives in our workplaces.
Developing an Ethical Fundraising Strategy and Policy
This workshop explores methods to draw an ethical line specific to your organisation’s make-up and aims. Looking at: how to negotiate differences in opinion; how to establish a framework but leave enough space to respond to new cases; how to find out sources of funding.
Pricing and costs
We price our trainings according to your group or organisation’s income and resources:
Over £250k pa = £400 for 2 hours or 800 for a day
Below £250k pa = £200 for 2 hours or 450 for a day
Below £50k pa = £50 for 2 hours or £100 for a day
Non-funded community/grassroots groups – talk to us if you can’t afford £50
Platform can travel – but we ask that groups pay our travel costs as well as the workshop fee if the training is to take place outside of London. If small groups wish to visit Platform this can be arranged, however ordinarily we prefer to visit your space and hold the training there.
Please note that we take bookings from groups only, and cannot offer individual places on a session – but that groups can be of any size, and individuals are welcome to get together to form a group for the purposes of a workshop. Please fill in this form to arrange a training or tailor a workshop to meet your group or organisation’s needs, and to set a price in line with your resources.