

  • Peak oil – an oil geologist’s perspective

    There is considerable debate, both within and outside the oil industry, on whether global oil production has peaked here an oil geologist argues that we should take the threat seriously – This report was first published in Platform's carbon web news letter, issue 3. Peak oil has become a hot topic. The term is used to…

  • BP’s Christmas ruined as Turkey is delayed

    Safety failures delay the opening of BP’s BTC pipeline by a year – This report was first published in Platform’s carbon web newsletter, issue 3. BP’s reputation faces a battering as completion of its flagship Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC) has been delayed by more than a year. The pipeline will not come on stream before April, due to…

  • 6 Jan 2006 admin

    Turbo-Charging Investor Sovereignty: Investment Agreements and Corporate Colonialism

    [gview file=””] How draconian legal agreements have guaranteed corporate profits in the Caucasus at the expense of host countries, and are set to be applied in Iraq. Jointly written with the Corner House, and published as a chapter of Destroy and Profit: Wars, Disasters and Corporations, by Focus on the Global South.

  • Signing away Iraqs democracy

    PLATFORM’s new report exposes the true cost to Iraq of the oil majors’ agenda As Carbon Web goes to press, Iraqi politicians are still haggling over the key roles in forming a new government. The outcome will be closely watched not only by Iraqis, but as a recent PLATFORM report reveals, by multinational oil companies, hoping to…

  • 22 Nov 2005 admin

    Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq’s oil wealth (Italian)

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  • 22 Nov 2005 admin

    Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq’s oil wealth (Arabic)

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  • Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq’s oil wealth

    Also available in Arabic and Italian. Control of Iraq's future oil wealth is being handed to multinational oil companies through long-term contracts that will cost Iraq hundreds of billions of dollars. 'Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth' reveals that current Iraqi oil policy will allocate the development of at least 64% of Iraq’s reserves…

    Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq’s oil wealth

  • Iraq Constitution lays ground for oilfield selloff

    As Iraq goes to the polls in this month’s referendum on the draft Constitution, the fate of the country’s oil reserves has once again escaped public scrutiny – despite their central importance to Iraq’s future economy. According to Oil Ministry officials, contracts will be signed with foreign oil companies during the first nine months of…

  • BP’s stranglehold on Azerbaijan

    This interview was first published in Platform’s carbon web newsletter, issue 2.   There are few independent and publicly critical voices emanating from Azerbaijan. With the current regime of President Ilham Aliyev – like that of his father Heydar before him – enforcing its hegemonic control through both brute force and a strong hold over…

  • Nigeria Ten Years On

    10 years on from Saro-Wiwa the Niger Delta remains one of the world‘s most unstable oil provinces, despite US-UK ambitions. – This report was first published in Platform’s Carbon web newsletter, issue 2.   Ten years ago on 10th November, 9 men were hanged in a squalid courtyard at Port Harcourt Prison, Delta State, Nigeria.…