
Platform is hiring – Energy Policy Campaigner

15 Dec 2011 admin

This job is no longer available and is here for reference only.

Energy Policy Campaigner: Summary Job Description

Do you want to shift UK policy away from supporting destructive oil and gas projects and repressive dictatorships?

Platform is a leading charity that combines arts, research and campaigning for social and environmental justice. We run global campaigns against pipelines, pollution and human rights abuses and are widely recognised as the “oil industry watchdog”.

Platform’s Carbon Web project aims to undermine the links between UK oil companies and those who support them, such as government departments, investors and cultural institutions. As Energy Policy Campaigner, you will play a central role in delivering the Carbon Web programme. You will be responsible for driving multiple campaigns that demand corporate and government accountability. Working with a dynamic team of six campaigners, your task will be to challenge the oil companies who are shaping UK policy and to campaign for greater democratic control over government decision-making.
You will be an experienced campaigner, able to demonstrate sound political judgment whilst keeping pace with fast-moving global debates and issues. You will have strong communications and media skills and be motivated to influence the policy agenda and bring human rights to the centre of UK and EU external energy policy.

Download full job description in PDF

Download full job description in Word

How to apply:

Please send us:
1. Your CV
2. A Cover Letter explaining why you want this job, why you would like to join Platform, and where you saw the job advertised
3. A 1 page Supporting Statement telling us how you meet the Person Specification.

Please email [email protected] by 6.00pm on Monday 23 January 2012. Please use the subject heading: ‘Energy Policy Campaigner’.

Or apply by post to:
7 Horselydown Lane

If you are interested and would like to discuss the role informally, please contact Ben Amunwa on +44 (0)207 403 3738. Due to limited capacity we are unable to reply to applicants who have not been invited for interview. Interviews: Monday 30 January – Tuesday 31 January. Potential second round interviews in w/c 6 February.

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