We are not idealists. We know that art alone does not make the revolution.
But we are not fools. We know that revolution is impossible without the art.
Frente Popular, Dario Santillan
Platform was invited to take part in the recent ‘Footprint Modulation: art, climate and displacement‘. This was a multi-site exhibition and season of events in Durham surrounding the international conference on Human Migration and the Environment held at the university. ‘Footprint Modulation’ was an extensive range of critical, political and poetic practices that significantly raises the bar for work in this field. Big appreciation for the work of Kooj Chuhan of metaceptive who curated the programme with colleagues.
Part of what we contributed was to screen new films of rising star poet Selina Nwulu performing three of her recent pieces relevant to the themes of the season. We premiered ‘Home is a Hostile Lover’ in our performance-lecture ‘Silence Would Be Treason’ on oil and justice in Nigeria.
The films were shot and edited by Onysha D Collins. Onysha is a filmmaker and poet who participated in our youth programme ‘Shake!’ and has regularly contributed to it since. We also met poet Selina through the very first Shake! intensive course in 2010, and have worked with her frequently since. Shake! works with some seriously talented young people.
Join Shake! now. Recruitment is now open for the August Shake! 5-day intensive course at Spotlight, in Tower Hamlets.
‘Our Parents’ Children’
‘Home is a Hostile Lover’