
Shell Leaks Blast Company’s Record on Nigeria

12 Feb 2010 admin

Concerned employees could be joining global campaigners to demand changes from Shell; including an end to daily gas flaring and oil spills in the Niger Delta. Stories in the Financial Times and The Times today revealed that:

Contact details for 176,000 employees and contractors of Royal Dutch Shell have been sent to environmental and human rights campaign groups, ostensibly by disaffected staff calling for a “peaceful corporate revolution” at the company.

The database, from Shell’s internal directory, gives names and telephone numbers for all the company’s workforce worldwide, including some home numbers used for business.

It was e-mailed with a 170-page covering note, explaining that it was being circulated by “116 concerned employees of Shell Oil dispersed throughout the USA, the UK, and the Netherlands”, to highlight the harm allegedly done by the company’s operations in Nigeria.

If substantiated, this leak could represent a major crisis of confidence in Shell’s Nigerian operations. Extracts from the cover email seen by PLATFORM express ‘disgust’ at Shell’s disregard for the environment and human rights in Nigeria, and outline solutions that could easily prevent some of the worst abuses.

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