Hot on the heels of the Petrol Panic comes the Gas Price Panic and the Electricity Price Panic – my head spins as I try to take in each of these fossil fuel driven convulsions. It is worth the effort to unpick this ball of yarn and lay out the tale it reveals. It is…
Just Transition in the North Sea Platform’s Just Transition campaign seeks a well-managed phase out of oil and gas production in the North Sea. This includes preventing future oil licensing rounds, halting fossil fuel subsidies and, most importantly, ensuring that Just Transition measures are implemented during the phase out (i.e. large-scale job creation in…
In the flurry of a Tuesday afternoon, I receive an unexpected e-mail from Vicki Carroll. The header has your name in it Bruce, and I know instinctively within an instant what the message holds. I hover a while and then open the text to read the inevitable. You have stepped over, passed through the…
My friend and Platform ally Lucy Fairley has died, aged 70. We’ve known her and her work for nearly 25 years and worked especially closely with her in the late 1990s. She founded Artists Agency in Sunderland in 1983, and in 1987 appointed Esther Salamon to join her initially as Placement Officer, then as in…
Last Wednesday, at 11am, another giant landmark in the history of UK fossil-fuel power crashed to the ground. Never mind a landmark, this was also a giant seamark that aided navigation at the start of the Thames and Medway estuaries for hundreds of vessels every day. Its end came with two huge bangs that juddered…
I am cramming chocolate into your mouth. I feel the dampness of your lips against my fingertips and see the brown squares tumble into the darkness. It takes seconds to complete the task, but the time draws out, slows down. All around is mayhem. The wind makes the shrouds howl. The sound thrusts a…
On the morning of 3rd May 2016 there was a successful occupation at the Ffos-y-Fran opencast mine in South Wales by Reclaim the Power. This blog was written in the build up to that action. We’re heading for our tent in the incessant drizzle, weaving between clusters of newly sprouted tents and trying hard to…
RELEASE: UK local council pensions lose £683 million with coal crash Embargo: 00:01am Monday 12 October Contact: Mika Minio-Paluello (Platform London) 07733466038 UK local councils have lost up to £683 million to their pension funds, because of failed investments into coal firms. New data reveals the councils most affected – the value of Greater Manchester’s…
This guest blog by Stuart Anderson was original posted by Friends of the Earth Scotland “The fossil fuel divestment movement is the fastest growing divestment campaign in history with over 500 active divestment campaigns underway at universities, cities, churches, banks, and other institutions.” – Over the past two years there has been a growing…
ميكا مينيو بالويللو في خضم الحركات الثورية في السنوات الأخيرة، ليس من السهل ألا نلاحظ أن تغير المناخ قد بدأ يغير الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ،حيث نعيش، تغييراً جذرياً. هذا التحول التدريجي، الذي يصعب تجنبه، يهدد بنزوح الملايين من البشر، إن لم يكن عشرات الملايين، و بتغيير شكل المنطقة بشكل قد يصعب التعرف عليها. و…