

  • Strength in collective action

    The Oil Machine in Dumfries A sudden burst of clapping from a couple at the back of the café and a ripple of laughter through the audience. This is the first response of the evening and the humour is ironic. It is in response to comments from the panel about the challenge of getting to…

    Strength in collective action

  • Hospicing the Pipeline

    The Oil Machine in Hawick Julie and I talked long. And we talked of death. We talked of the passing of fathers, and husbands, and friends. An idea grew between us through that conversation in her flat. Later we shared it with those sitting in The Cornucopia Room, gathered to watch a screening of The…

    Hospicing the Pipeline

  • Gifts from the Sea

    The Oil Machine in Cromarty The Stagecoach bus judders and swerves as it takes the bend past Braehead and Davidston, past the fields of stubble and grazing sheep. The driver knows these empty roads on The Black Isle intimately and is eager to reach the journey’s end. Suddenly, over the crest of the hill, Cromarty…

    Gifts from the Sea

  • The Lie of the Land

    The Oil Machine in Inverness The words of Sir David King, head of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group, haunt me. Speaking at the launch of The Oil Machine film, he explained his view on what has been taking place since 2019. “What we have experienced in the last three years is a series of extreme…

    The Lie of the Land

  • Enough is Enough!

    Medway’s resistance to an unjust transition. Down the canyon of Chatham High Street comes the march. Banner of Medway Trades Council proudly to the fore. Chants and shouts echoing off the shopfronts and the buildings above. “Enough is Enough! Enough is Enough!” Past the pound shops and the charity shops. Past the boarded up windows…

    Enough is Enough!

  • Who Owns the Wind?

    The promise of a publicly owned renewable energy system The North Westerly gale billows and shakes the heavy white pvc of the marquee on the Portsoy harbourside, Aberdeenshire. Festival goers drift from stall to stall, under the pallid light of sun through plastic, dithering over the t-towels and pots of honey. At one end of…

    Who Owns the Wind?

  • ‘Oil is the poison’

    Action is the antidote’ – sixteen days in the movement to end fossil fuels. At 8.25 on Friday 15th April, as the rush hour traffic poured off the M4 at Chiswick, four activists stepped out in front of an Eddie Stobart oil tanker. Two held up a banner declaring ‘Just Stop Oil’ whilst two others…

    ‘Oil is the poison’

  • Tectonic shifts – the energy crisis and the leap beyond – The Economic War, part 4

    Shell declares it may go back into Cambo and the oilfield’s exploration license is extended by two years. The British government pushes for renewed drilling in the UK North Sea. There is public outcry at the Chancellor’s failure to defend households from the attack on living standards driven by price inflation. The Russian government announces…

    Tectonic shifts – the energy crisis and the leap beyond – The Economic War, part 4

  • Time to kick Oil out of Football? – The Economic War, part 3

    Roman Abramovich under sanctions! Chelsea up for sale! Scandal engulfs Everton FC as a key donor Alisher Usmanov is added to the UK government’s list of ‘named Oligarchs’. The Economic War has opened a new front on the pitch. Football is pulled into the Russian invasion of Ukraine just as Western corporations and the oil…

    Time to kick Oil out of Football? – The Economic War, part 3

  • Hail to the dockworkers! A Tale of Three Tankers – The Economic War, part 2

    You can track them still on … the MV Seacod, the MV Boris Vilkitsky and the MV Pearl. Three ghost ships of the energy system, the spirits of the Economic War. All three of these vessels broke out of the fog that normally swathes the constant trade in oil and gas. All three neared…

    Hail to the dockworkers! A Tale of Three Tankers – The Economic War, part 2