The mass of Ben Lui rises up. So much higher than all those ridges around it. We can make out our planned line of ascent up Alt Coire Ghaothaich, the mare’s tail of white water plunging down the mountainside. We cross Alt an Rund and begin the climb from 1,150 feet to the summit…
What’s missing from the oil debate around Scotland’s referendum? The dominant voices on both sides of the #indyref debate have focused on total reserves left on the UK Continental Shelf, and on the potential for an oil fund. But the debate has shied away from asking in whose interest oil should be governed, and whether…
خسرت مصر نحو 10 مليار دولار من إيرادات الغاز من 2005 إلى2010، وفقا لتقرير صدر اليوم عن المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية و بلاطفورم بعنوان “فساد تعاقدات الغاز في عصر مبارك“، فقد سمحت العقود المبرمة في عصر مبارك بتصدير مليارات الأمتار المكعبة من الغاز إلى الأردن وأسبانيا وإسرائيل بأسعار بخسة. واستخدم تقرير المبادرة المصرية الصادر مؤخرا…
The flood-waters are slowly receding. Communities across the country are still struggling to regain a sense of normality after the wettest winter on record. Questions are being raised about extreme weather in the UK, how prepared we are to deal with it, and whether or not this is a taster of things to come. You’re…
We have published a summary briefing analysing the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development’s first year of lending in Egypt. The bank remains resolutely committed to directing its funds towards oil extraction, agribusiness and the power sector. Only 4.7% of loans are destined for small & medium-sized enterprises, and 0% to renewable energy projects.
Today the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development is voting on a $50 million loan for oil drilling in Egypt. This is the first major loan by the bank in Egypt since the military takeover in July 2013. The EBRD seems eager to ignore the principles in its founding agreement promoting “initiatives in countries committed…
Since I joined Platform in July, I have seen the high-spirited Farzana passionately preparing for the “Shake! – Young Voices in Arts, Media, Race & Power course”, organising its different activities and coordinating with other facilitators (Ed, Zena and Sai) in order to make it even better than the previous sessions. The third course was…
Last week we took part in a hugely inspiring meeting of more than 500 international climate activists at Global Power Shift in Istanbul, with people networking and learning the skills that they need to shift power away from fossil fuel companies and to communities working for justice-based solutions to the climate crisis. The meeting was…
Many UK universities support the fossil fuel industry both directly and indirectly through their research, their endowments and investments and their partnerships with companies like BP and Shell. We are campaigning to expose and sever these links – and we are asking for your help! People & Planet and Platform are trying to collect as…
فى مقر نادى مرتفعات القطامية، وسط المروج الخُضر المشذبة وملعب الجولف، ناقش مديرون تنفيذيون من جنسيات مختلفة، جنبا إلى جنب مع مسئولين حكوميين اتفاقيات من شأنها تحديد مآل مليارات الدولارات؛ هل تستقر فى خزائن خاصة أم تذهب للخزانة العامة. تغييرات بسيطة فى عقد واحد قد تؤدى إلى إحداث فارق يزيد على الخمسة مليارات من الدولارات،…