I had read in advance the briefing that Culture Unstained had put out to accompany the planned action. The protest at the British Museum was to be against BP’s sponsorship of the exhibition ‘I am Ashurbanipal: king of the world, king of Assyria’, a display of treasures from the land of Iraq. I read lines…
24 November 2016 Unsanctioned vigil held for jailed human rights campaigners at ‘Curator’s Introduction to the BP Sponsored Exhibition Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds’ Exhibition displays objects from ancient sunken cities in the Nile Delta, where BP is now drilling for fossil fuels. Community opposition successfully halted BP’s gas plant plans – the North…
Bob Dudley, Chief Executive, who appears tired, pale and jowly, looks up from his notes and addresses a set of questions that have been put to the Board. This particular set from delegates at the Annual General Meeting of BP, are grouped together under the bracket of ‘concerned with climate change’. He peers out at…
Our ally Mahienour El-Massry is facing 2 years in jail in Egypt for speaking out against human rights abuses. This Sunday 31 May, a court will rule on her case. She faces a two year sentence on trumped up charges, for a small lawyers protest at Raml police station after cops assaulted another lawyer. The…
ميكا مينيو بالويللو في خضم الحركات الثورية في السنوات الأخيرة، ليس من السهل ألا نلاحظ أن تغير المناخ قد بدأ يغير الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ،حيث نعيش، تغييراً جذرياً. هذا التحول التدريجي، الذي يصعب تجنبه، يهدد بنزوح الملايين من البشر، إن لم يكن عشرات الملايين، و بتغيير شكل المنطقة بشكل قد يصعب التعرف عليها. و…
PDF الكتاب سكان شمال أفريقيا الذين ستتعرض حياتهم أكثر للتغيير جرّاء تغير المناخ هم صغار المزارعين في دلتا النيل، وصيادي الأسماك من جربة، سكان عين صلاح في الجزائر، والملايين الذين يعيشون في مستوطنات غير رسمية في القاهرة وتونس والجزائر. ولكنهم مهمشون وممنوعون من تشكيل مستقبلهم. بدلا من ذلك، تُصاغ مخططات الطاقة والمناخ من قبل الحكومات…
As the London Stock Exchange opened at 09.00 on Tuesday, 16th December, BP’s shareprice was down to 365 pence. It was the bottom of a long slide from 448 pence on the 21st November and investors in the company looked concerned that BP was failing badly. Shares in BP have lost 25% of their value…
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has promised up to €700 million for the disastrous Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline. In a statement the Managing Director for Energy at the public bank said “the EBRD will invest €600-700 million in the Trans Adriatic Pipeline.” The Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline (ECMP) is a huge piece of infrastructure…
Support Mahienour I spent several months earlier this year trying to interview my friend Mahienour El-Massry, a pivotal Egyptian revolutionary from Alexandria. She had been sentenced in absentia to 2 years in prison in January, but hadn’t been arrested yet. That didn’t mean she was safe – the police could have arrested her from her home…
BP is back in Cairo. The multinational never quite left, but intense community opposition put its flagship North Alexandra project on hold during the last three years. With former military leader Abdel Fattah El-Sisi firmly installed in the President’s chair, now BP has seen an opportunity to restart drilling and construction. CEO Bob Dudley was…