

  • 16 Dec 2013 admin

    Statoil sponsoring tennis? You can NOT be serious!!

      Sunniva Taylor and Christopher Garrard report back from the Statoil-sponsored Tennis Masters that took place in London recently. Statoil, the 66% Norwegian government owned oil and gas company, were the big name corporate sponsors of this year’s Tennis Masters at the Royal Albert Hall, for the second year running. The event lasted five days…

    Statoil sponsoring tennis? You can NOT be serious!!

  • 13 May 2013 admin

    Growing unease in Norway over Statoil and cultural sponsorship

    A few months ago we published a blog post from someone who felt that they could no longer engage with the Bergen International Festival because of Statoil sponsorship. It’s now turned into a more sustained debate in Norway about the role that the oil company plays in the cultural sector. Here’s some more info from…

    Growing unease in Norway over Statoil and cultural sponsorship

  • 15 Mar 2013 admin

    Volunteer quits Bergen International Festival over Statoil sponsorship

    Controversies around oil sponsorship of the arts aren’t confined to the UK. This is a translation of an article by Ragnhild Freng Dale printed in Bergens Tidende on March 1st, which you can find online here in its original Norwegian. The Bergen International Festival, an annual festival of arts and contemporary music in Bergen, released their…

    Volunteer quits Bergen International Festival over Statoil sponsorship

  • 25 Feb 2013 admin

    Osborne’s tax breaks for North Sea oil and a Thatcherism flashback

    Back in the 70s, the UK and Norway took two very different approaches to the roughly equal share of North Sea oil and gas that they had within their territorial waters. With state-owned oil company Statoil at the helm, Norway cautiously put aside profits and levies from other oil companies operating within its fields into…

    Osborne’s tax breaks for North Sea oil and a Thatcherism flashback

  • Oil spill exposes Shell’s ticking timebomb

    The Gannet Alpha spill in the North Sea is a stark reminder of the dangers of ageing rigs and oil company PR

  • 10 Jan 2011 anna

    Off The Deep End – Foreign Policy and the dash for offshore oil and gas

    This Platform report provides in-depth analysis of these trends and alerts policy makers to the environmental and safety concerns around present and planned offshore drilling in the UK North Sea and the Falkland Islands. It exposes significant capacity shortfalls in government inspection agencies and highlights key areas where better regulatory oversight is urgently required to…

    Off The Deep End – Foreign Policy and the dash for offshore oil and gas