Funding Climate Chaos
How Banks Are Continuing To Fund The Climate Crisis This report is a collaboration between People & Planet, 350.org and Platform. Click here for the report. Executive summary: The financial impact of the Covid-19 crisis, on top of a crash in oil prices, has shown us ever more clearly that economies based on fossil fuels…
24 Apr 2020 admin -
Sea Change: Climate emergency, jobs and Managing the Phase-out of UK Oil & Gas Extraction
This report reveals why UK must stop drilling new oil and gas fields in the North Sea in order to meet Paris climate commitments – and how the transition away from fossil fuels can create decent jobs and revive UK industry. Published by Platform, Oil Change International, and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Supported by…
15 May 2019 jane -
Councils: Fuelling the Fire
Councils: Fuelling the Fire reveals that UK councils invest £16.1 billion of their workers’ pensions into companies that extract coal, oil and gas, fueling dangerous climate change. Download the report The report uncovers: Councils invest £16.1 billion of pensions into fossil fuel companies out of a total of £289.9 billion, new data reveals No significant…
9 Nov 2017 admin -
All That Glitters: Sport, BP and Repression in Azerbaijan
All that Glitters was published to mark the Opening Ceremony of the 2015 European Games in Baku. The inaugural European Games Baku 2015 are about much more than medals. Held in Azerbaijan at the height of a systematic crackdown on human rights and democracy, the Games are the first of a series of international sporting…
11 Jun 2015 admin -
كتاب جديد: الثورة القادمة في شمال أفريقيا: الكفاح من أجل العدالة المناخية
PDF الكتاب سكان شمال أفريقيا الذين ستتعرض حياتهم أكثر للتغيير جرّاء تغير المناخ هم صغار المزارعين في دلتا النيل، وصيادي الأسماك من جربة، سكان عين صلاح في الجزائر، والملايين الذين يعيشون في مستوطنات غير رسمية في القاهرة وتونس والجزائر. ولكنهم مهمشون وممنوعون من تشكيل مستقبلهم. بدلا من ذلك، تُصاغ مخططات الطاقة والمناخ من قبل الحكومات…
28 Apr 2015 admin -
Civil society statement on the process to implement the UN Environment Programme’s 2011 assessment of Ogoniland
On September 16th 2014 the Ministry of Petroleum of Nigeria held a multi-stakeholder workshop on the implementation of the UN Environment Programme’s 2011 assessment of Ogoniland. We, the undersigned organisations –, while welcoming a process to address the oil pollution in Ogoniland and the economic, environmental and health effects of this pollution – believe that…
28 Nov 2014 admin -
A manifesto for Energy beyond Neoliberalism
We’ve written a manifesto titled Energy beyond Neoliberalism: “This is a call for energy democracy. Not energy security or energy separation. A survivable and just energy future means breaking the grip of elite interests on our energy systems, ending dependency, increasing autonomy, building diverse power structures through which we can hold one another to account,…
17 Nov 2014 admin -
Polluted Promises: how Shell failed to clean up Ogoniland
Download the report or browse online below. Shell is responsible for a toxic legacy in the Niger Delta. People are dying, sick, can’t feed themselves and have no clean water because Shell destroyed their environment by drilling for oil. UNEP researched the destruction, publishing a report in 2011. The report concluded that Shell had not…
27 May 2014 admin -
Le Renforcement Des Dictatures – Accaparement du gaz par le Royaume-Uni et les violations des droits humains en Algérie
Télécharger ce rapport BP a signé sa première joint-venture en Algérie en 1995, trois ans seulement après le coup d’état militaire qui a annulé les premières élections législatives en Algérie depuis l’indépendance du joug colonial français. Le contrat a été signé alors qu’une guerre civile brutale faisait rage, avec la violence systématique de l’État et…
28 Apr 2014 admin