Recipes for a Revolution
Reclaiming our Food System: For a Just Food And Climate Transition in Tower Hamlets and Beyond
Seeds for a Revolution: Reclaiming Our Food System
This publication was created through research from the Blueprint Architect Group, a local food justice research group coordinated by Platform in Tower Hamlets. It is a part one of a series of 3. Part 2 will be launched by July 2023. Many people, communities and organisations across the UK are responding to local issues in…
8 Feb 2023 admin -
More Like Texas: US state involvement in the Vaca Muerta mega-project in Argentina
Read the briefing (pdf) – Leer en castellano (pdf) As US Energy Secretary Rick Perry said in June 2018, the aim of US foreign energy policy in Argentina was to help the country become “more like Texas” by bringing US business to work on unlocking Patagonia’s shale oil and gas reserves. The US State Energy…
12 Sep 2019 anna -
BP, el dueño oculto de fracking: Pan-American Energy y el mega-proyecto Vaca Muerta
[ingles] [bajar informe en .pdf] Pan American Energy es considerada la mayor empresa petrolera privada de Argentina. Actualmente gestiona el mayor yacimiento de petróleo del país (Cerro Dragón) y es responsable de una cuarta parte de la extracción no convencional de gas en la Provincia de Neuquén. En realidad, PAE pertenece a la multinacional petrolera británica…
7 Dec 2017 anna -
BP’s Fracking Secrets: Pan-American Energy and Argentina’s shale mega-project
BP plays a leading role in advancing one of the world’s biggest carbon bombs, the Vaca Muerta shale mega-project in Patagonia. BP does not carry out fracking in the UK because the practice would “attract the wrong kind of attention”. This report by Platform with Observatorio Petrolero Sur reveals BP’s role in pushing forward fracking in…
7 Dec 2017 anna -
كتاب جديد: الثورة القادمة في شمال أفريقيا: الكفاح من أجل العدالة المناخية
PDF الكتاب سكان شمال أفريقيا الذين ستتعرض حياتهم أكثر للتغيير جرّاء تغير المناخ هم صغار المزارعين في دلتا النيل، وصيادي الأسماك من جربة، سكان عين صلاح في الجزائر، والملايين الذين يعيشون في مستوطنات غير رسمية في القاهرة وتونس والجزائر. ولكنهم مهمشون وممنوعون من تشكيل مستقبلهم. بدلا من ذلك، تُصاغ مخططات الطاقة والمناخ من قبل الحكومات…
28 Apr 2015 admin -
A manifesto for Energy beyond Neoliberalism
We’ve written a manifesto titled Energy beyond Neoliberalism: “This is a call for energy democracy. Not energy security or energy separation. A survivable and just energy future means breaking the grip of elite interests on our energy systems, ending dependency, increasing autonomy, building diverse power structures through which we can hold one another to account,…
17 Nov 2014 admin -
Pumping Revenue into Israel’s coffers: the Israeli-Jordan Gas Deal
Our new report reveals just how much money Jordanian electricity users will be contributing to Israeli budgets – if the proposed gas import deal goes ahead. In September 2014, the Jordanian National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) signed an agreement with Noble Energy to import large quantities of gas from Israeli-controlled East Mediterranean waters. The proposed…
5 Nov 2014 admin -
A Lake of Oil: Congo’s contracts escalate conflict, pollution & poverty
A Lake of Oil analyses confidential oil contracts held by UK companies Tullow and Heritage in the Democratic Republic of Congo that were leaked by Platform, revealing the danger of economic rip-off and rights abuses in one of Africa’s most unstable countries.
17 May 2010 anna